June 03, 2024

"COMMENTS OFF", Per Orders from JUNE, R.N.

 So, Sunday was s'posed to be a fun day.  Mine Mommy and her bestest friend went down to
Harbor East, planning to walk the waterfront, 
enjoy the sunshine 'n' breezes, and outdoor lunch, 
and just have lots of fun being together, girl-talk (meowing) and all that.

Things don't always go according to plan, do they ...

The sun was warm and bright, the lunch not to bad, or so it seemed.
And yet in the swish-of-a-tail, mine Mommy felt strange and all kinds of things happened
inside-and-outside and sorta went from not good to really not good.

Her bestest friend was an EMT once upon a time, WOW-MEOW, and
so when mine Mommy didn't look so good and started acting not herself,
and she "left her head" for a little while and went into a dark place,
the Uber ride was cancelled and an Ambulance ride called instead.

Thank you to the kind passerby, who just happened to be a doctor from
Johns Hopkins who came to our aid and sat with us, holding 
her hand and talking with comforting words.

Thank you to the BCFD who arrived (and mine Mommy remembers, OMC
aren't they all such handsome, big and strong young uns, oh to be
younger again! meow) ... who tended to her so quickly and well.

Thank you to many others (she did hear lots of kind voices) who paused
asking to help if they could.

Thank you to all in Emergency at Johns Hopkins Hospital who cared for her
so very well in all the many (well, yes, too many) hours that followed
and truly expressed real concern and care.

Thank you to the bestest friend, who when the dinner hour came,
took an Uber from the hospital to our apartment, just so little June me,
would not miss having my meal!  That was really super special, and
then she went right back to hospital to be with mine Mommy!

It was like very late when they came home, like almost already today,
I think.  The doctor wanted mine Mommy to stay overnight, observation he
said, but she didn't want to do that.  I think she's just stubborn that way,
she told me she needed to come take care of me (that's nice, but I'm not
real sure about that part ...).  We'll see.  She'll check in today with her good
doctor, for anything else that needs to be done.  But she says they did
every test you could think of at the hospital, so what else is there?
Me, I think it's just she's an old lady and sometimes she acts and thinks
like she's still a young lady, meow.

So, anywayz, you can say a little prayer, a purr or two for her, she's purrably
going to be fine.  And even though this is my special month,
I decided to take a day or two off, so she doesn't have to sit here at this
computer, post, do commenting or all that stuff, you know, do the
"r and r" thing.
See you in a few, and thank you again to Our Bestest Friend!