June 02, 2024



And so it begins!  I'm so excited!
My Month, all month long, just for me ~ June in June!
I wait all year for this.  Mine Mommy says it's not a big-furry-deal, after all, I'm here
purrty much every day of the week of each month of all months all year, so ...
but me, hey, I say it's a don't rain on my parade kind of thing, meow.

I did have to wait one extra day, but decided that was OK,
but think I misplaced a few polka dots while waiting, will have to look for them.

So what does My Month mean ~ it means 
I get to choose my favorite old-goldie photos that I want to share,
it means I get to pose (if I want, when I want) for new photos to share!
It means if I want a day off, a day off it will be ...

And it means that right now I can say THANK YOU one and all
for stopping by yesterday to share your wonderful comments about our
CB Team, me and mine Mommy so appreciated each and every one.
We aren't even done responding to them all 'cause our
paws got tired running around the keyboard and we had to nap.

Anywayz, happy easy Sunday to all,
love and meows to all, too!



  1. Love your June blog header, Juney, and we love your polka dot portrait!

  2. Evfurry one of us kitties deserves our furry own month, June and we are so glad this one is yers. Bringing in lots of fur and polka dots and even summer.

  3. You make the month of June special, June.

  4. June, it's YOUR special month, so your excitement is justified. I hope you both have a lovely Sunday. 🙂

  5. June you are special and so is your month of June... Carry on and have fun, we are waiting for your decisions

  6. June happy happy June the month of June you make us all swoon with your beauty, polkadots and adorable face.
    Ann I loved your light house story...wow. Just precious and priceless.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Dearest June,
    This is a special post about you and the entire month of June.
    Enjoy it to the fullest, together with your Mommy.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. We think it's great to celebrate you all month long, June. That's a great polka dot selfie too.

  9. I think it is cool that you have a whole month named after you. XO

  10. We're all excited June!! Welcome the month of June!

  11. That is some beautiful selfie sweetest June!

  12. I hope you have a wonderful June, Ms. June.

  13. Hooray! We, too, are excited for YOUR month, Juney! And you have started it off with a beautiful selfie. Hugs to you and Mom!

  14. May all go well with you Ann!
    Mariette + Kitties

  15. Marvelous new blog header, June! And, such a cute polka dot portrait! I even see your shadow!

  16. da tabbies o trout towneMonday, June 03, 2024

    juney chowder…we iz leevin a commint any way….knot up ther on that post
    but on thiz heer post….eye got 18 centz anda sack oh friez that sayz…bee cauz
    her 🤢🤢🤢 afturr eatin lunch…that her ate poisonuz bass turd chcikn ore turkee
    N her pazzed out frum de bass turd burd . glad a friend waz with her sew her
    dinna hafta yell for help in down town balt tee mor wear noe one wooda payed
    any further a ten shun coz thatz de norm. yellin that iz. heerz hopin her feelz better yet two day
    and yur meelz R knot bee in skipped ore over looked N stuff 💚😺💖🐟💙

  17. We haven't seen your polka dots around here, June, so hope you found them. We will see you next time, whenever it is! XOX Xena and my pack

  18. Sorry your month is off to a rough start, but stay positive and good things will come.

  19. I love that Polkadot image, June!! Its just the right thing for YOU!!

    Tell your Mine Mommy that we here are pawyering for her to get all better really soon. Being sick is not fun. I'm with the Tabbies who think you may have had a nasty run in with the food poisoning monster. Coupled with heat and maybe a bit of dehydration. Glad she got prompt and wonderful help!

  20. Charlee: "It's good to have your own entire month when you can order everyone around! Not that we cats don't do that every month, but, I mean, at least now it's official ..."

  21. Chaplin: "Oh no, we just saw your other post about your Mommy feeling poorly, June! So scary! We send lots of purrs that she is doing better now!"
    Lulu: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"
