September 26, 2024


June at 6-months in her new home.

In early October 2020, when I was 6-months old,
 I came to my new home, my forever home.
I was adopted from Animal Allies Rescue Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland.

It was a new home for mine Mommy, too.  She had just moved to Baltimore one month earlier.
And in March of 2020, the WHO had declared Covid-19 to be a worldwide pandemic.
Mine Mommy chose me.  Chose me without ever seeing me, meeting me,
or holding me.  That's very special.

I meowed I was lucky to have her.  She said she was blessed to have me.
For a very, very long time ~ it was just us, the two of us.

Here we are, four years later, I'm not quite as shy as I used to be,
though it's hard sometimes when new people come around, 
but I'm happy I have a forever home, 
I'm happy I was adopted.



  1. you are the wonderful June , our blogging friend...... and we are so happy that you found each other...

  2. Lovely story. And lovely you! So glad you have a sweet mama.

  3. What a truly beautiful story, Juney, and we are so happy that you and your mommy have each other.

  4. You two were destined to be together and are a perfect fit. Mom never met any of us before adopting us but Mom was in constant contact with our breeder and got photos and updates those first nine weeks. Adopting from a shelter is not the same and you were both brave and have a great life together.

  5. Wheat orphan kitties are so glad when our mommies actually come and find us and bring us to our forever home.

  6. That’s very sweet. I adopted my first dog, Mojo, from a shelter and my sec on, Chloe, from a family who couldn’t keep her. Both girls were amazing dogs, and ended up devoted to each other. My three cats were all rescues, each from very different circumstances. I miss having a kitty companion.I would like to rescue a senior collie one day and a senior kitty, but for now, my pack demands all my time and focus.

  7. I'm happy you found such a wonderful home, June. And I purr for all those animals in shelters today waiting to find theirs.

  8. We are happy for you and for your mommie that you found each other, and are the perfect match for each other. I fell in love with Beau from a photo in a text, and replied immediately, we will be right there and an hour later he was home with us.. I really enjoyed hearing your story

  9. June, I didn't remember that your mom hadn't even met you before adopting. It was a lucky day for you both when you found your forever home. ❤️❤️

  10. Dearest June,
    You indeed were very lucky for coming home to your Mommy's new place!
    In those four years, you have matured well and know a lot about life.
    Wishing you a long and healthy life with your Mommy.
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. june we r berry happy dat yoo got gotted!

  12. We are so happy your found your perfect home and perfect Mama too sweet June!

  13. Charlee: "We are happy you and your Mommy found each other, June!"

  14. Pretty June, we know that 'adopted' is the best kind of kitty!

  15. June darlin' what a beautiful story of YOU...
    Your Mommy chose wisely
    Hugs cecilia

  16. I am very happy that you and your Mommy found each other.

  17. I wish all kitties were so blessed. XO
