September 27, 2024


Waste not ~ want not: it's one of those little rules, a good one, to live by.  I try to do so ... like if'n there a little bits of food on the sides of my bowl, or if any happen to fall to the floor, well, I lick them up.  No wasting good food, not me!  Less clean up for mine Mommy, too!  And I'm very good about not kicking my litter out of the litter box.  Oh, I stir 'n' paw it all around very efficiently but kicking it outside where she'd have to sweep it away, that would be wasteful, right?  If it's still good litter, it should stay in the box.

So, not long ago when mine Mommy wasn't posting on my bloggie cause she was trying to set up her new "windows" thing, I had some of my post pictures all ready to go!  But go they did not!  I do plan ahead you see.  So, they're still there in my September folder and I said to myself, don't waste them ... and ...

Today I thought I'd go ahead and share them.  After all, what else would I do with them ... it's Feline Friday (and I'm a feline) and it's Flashback Friday (so it's okay to flashback) ... here's what I would have posted if I could have posted ... meow!

For CATURDAY ART, September 14

For MEOW LIKE A PIRATE DAY, September 19

For CATURDAY ART, September 21

For the Autumn Equinox, September 22



1 comment:

  1. Those are lovely photos and you are right not to waste them. That is a good adage to live by. I hate wastage, but have a poor appetite now. If we go anywhere to eat we always go to places that serve small plates otherwise I order from the children's menu, but that never has a very good choice.
