September 12, 2024


I'm happy my cat tree has an upper level, I might head up there for awhile ~ or better yet, go off into another fave place, my closet.  You see, I'll be going into hiding for a few days and I'm not sure when I'll be back.  Cause a sweet kitty girl like me just should not be subjected to hearing those ... you know ... bad, bad werdz!

See, I heard mine Mommy talking about doing something with the "windows".  Now at first I was worried she'd be spoiling my view here, which I enjoy so much.   But then she 'splained to me that it was about the "windows" on our computer and I mean to tell you ... anytime she messes with that thing, well, you can guess what it's like around here!  

Good kitty girls go a-hiding.  Get outta her way.  Cover your ears.  Watch your tail.  Furs fly.

So, long story short, meow.  If I survive this event, see you again, sometime, whenever.  

And if not, well I do have a Pawer of Attorney. I just have to decide on who I'll leave my zoolatry bloggie to in those impawtent documents, you know, that Last Will 'n' Furever Thing!  

Like who will take over for me, cause obviously no one will evereverever hear meows from me again ...


  1. I certainly can understand that. Hopefully all will go well.

  2. Sweet June, we certainly hope the window swap goes smoothly. Your mommy does so much artwork she probably will have to do a lot to figure out the new network. We'll be watching for you everyday and you'll pop up before you know it.

  3. Oh no! We are windowless here as we use a Mac, but we hope yours don't shut!

    The Chans

  4. We have similar problems here. Mom loves the computer but when it doesn't work, she is not a person to be around. Yesterday an update caused some issues and she was not a nice person for a while. Hope things go will with your mom and her "windows".

  5. we hope da force is with you... and all the good luck with da windows... tho have a whole window is better than having just one apple isn't it?

  6. June, I've learned that when it comes to humans and those computer thingys, it's best to stay clear of them. They can be nothing but trouble sometimes. I hope your mommy gets things sorted out. ~Murphy

  7. Beau says he knows all about what happens when Windows goes WONKY! which seems like a lot sometimes. sorry about the WINDOWS thing... hope you survive

  8. Ooh, June, you're wise to go into hiding! Good luck to your mom!!!

  9. My mom doesn't like puter issues any more than your mom does, Juney. We hope everything goes well for her.

  10. We don't have windows either because of all the things you are dreading sweet June!

  11. Oops, I forgot to say thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. OHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO June. Dealing with technology would give me a potty mouth too and make my mind's eye see horrid sights.
    Which is why i have a maintenance program with the Geeks.
    Good luck
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Poor June!!! I think you need earplugs, there is gonna be A LOT of HBO words flyin' around!

  14. We totally understand June, any and all computer mishaps sure make us crazy here!

  15. Oh noes, June!
    As I was using HBO words myself yesterday due to some other online crud, I feel your pain.

  16. Me sure your Mommy can figure that Windows thing out.....
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. juney chowder....iz yur mom gonna say de "F" werd ??? ~~~~ flounder :) !!

  18. We know how scary those computer things can be, June but we know your mom will figure it out and you will be back with us in a jiffy!

  19. I have a feeling everything will work out...your mom knows what she's doing!

  20. Oh June, that is terrible! You're gonna be taken over by Windows Invaders. At least you can still make use of your windows on the world, but they won't help Mom to create her posts. We sure hope that you can get back to normal as soon as pawsible. Hugs from Wendy & Dani🥰😻

  21. Updating Windows and computers and all that jazz is scary, you never know if it will work correctly ever after. To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology.

    Good luck!

  22. That is a relief. Windows are the only entertainment we get

  23. June, sweetie, don't stress. Your Mom will always make sure you have a blog. As they say, "where there's a WILL, there's a way."

  24. {shudder} We'll keep our paws crossed the windows thing goes smoothly. 🤞🏼🤞🏼 🐾🐾

  25. Java Bean: "Ayyy, whenever it's time to fix or update the Windows it's a big production, whether on the house or on the computer! Good luck!"

  26. That windows stuff can sure wreak havoc, Juney. We hope it all goes okay! XO

  27. Hope the windows mess making gets all cleaned up ASAP so we can see you and your Mine Mommy again.

  28. We hope all goes well. Mom has an older computer that will not update to Windows 11 so we may disappear any day. Mom thinks she should probably get a new desktop, but....Let us know how the update goes.

  29. Awww June, we hope it goes well, there's nothing worse when there's a glitch in matrix and it fluffs the fluff out of everything!

  30. Hope it goes well with those windows!! I have had plenty of battles myself!!

  31. Oh dear- we hope things are going smoothly. We're just now reading this and I'm crossing my paws that your mom's working things out.
