September 17, 2024


 Meow.  I came out of hiding just long enough to let you know I am alive and well.
I have deaded a few bugs found in the deepest recesses of my closet,
where I've stayed well hidden (except for meal times) over the past several days. 

Here, on the top floor of my cat tree, where I rarely go,
 I can see that "she", mine Mommy, has been working furiously on this "window" thing.
Now, I really can't explain it all, as I can see just fine through my window.  

But she's moaning-and-groaning about doing some "windexing" whatever that is ~ 
then she said well, that's cleaning-up all the things she doesn't like, 
all the spots 'n' creepy crawlies and stuff
that is here or there or where it shouldn't be
 or wasn't there before or whatever and 
stuff that used to be there but now it isn't there, and ...

I'm thinking it's maybe like those few bugs I found in the deepest
recesses of my closet?  Ya think maybe?
All I know is this kitty girl is going back into hiding for awhile longer,
where it's quiet, safe, stress free.


  1. that windexing is a hard job and the windows soon look like before.. not to mention the windows of a car with two dogs as passengers LOL

  2. Humans are so silly sometimes, June!

  3. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NO JUNE...I'm so sorry to hear your Mommy is in a struggle with windows....
    I wish I could help her but please tell her I am sending all the pawitive thoughts I can
    Hugs cecilia

  4. Taking care of new "windows" is no fun, June. We're glad to hear you and you mom are doing okay.

  5. June, you look so SERIOUS up there on your cat tree!
    Sure, your Mommy needs to clean the windows in order to get a very clear picture of the world. Removing all crawly intruders that might blur or obstruct your view.
    Enjoy it now and don't go back into hiding!
    Mariette + Kitties and Spooky right in my lap—reading this post and looking at you...
    His post will be out at 2:00 PM

  6. the never ending job of taking care of glass. we know all about that. our sliding glass door has new nose prints halfway up within the hour after I clean them off. if you think you have bugs, tell Mommie to remember the big bugs in Florida. I am sure she knows what I mean

  7. Good to hear from you June! Sorry about about the tech issues ... in my view tech, and tech windows, are just the pits!

  8. I'm about to do the same thing with our windows. It's usually and October thing. You're so cute, June.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  9. My mom loves washing windows but she doesn't like to clean out the tracks when there are buggies in them.

  10. "I can see clearly now....tra la la la" We wish yer mommy luck, Lynn is a pc dunce and can not send help.

  11. Good luck to your mommy with the windexing! Did she upgrade to Windows 11? So far I have avoided it but suppose I will have to do so at some time.

  12. Clean windows are nice, Mom says bugs are icky.

  13. I don't blame you sweet June, cleaning can be very scary!

  14. Oh no, not bugs in her 'puter!? People like our dad get paid to get rid of those 'puter bugs and to keep them from coming back. Maybe your closet will be next... XOX Xena

  15. Windexing is hard work, for sure, Juney. We are purring and praying Mom is making some good progress. XO

  16. Don't trust Windex. They put it on so you forget the glass is there and slam into it trying to fly

  17. I hope you get to come back again soon, we miss you. Those windows with bugs are just not fun.

  18. I read your Wednesday post Ann, and feel for you. I'm not nearly as tech savvy as you are and have said or shouted VERY bad words when Microsoft makes "improvements" and so-called updates. I feel for you! ❤️

  19. Dearest Ann,
    Sure glad I got my Apple family and steer clear of all that trouble.
    Good luck!
    Mariette + Kitties

  20. Now I get it. Good luck with Windows 11 and getting it all squared away. It takes time - lots of time.
