September 06, 2024


 So! What about cat ladies who are not childless?
So! Mine Mommy gots herself a T-shirt and she put ME on it!
So there!

... and paws up to our furriends Misty 'n' Timber
and the Chiefs on their win last night ...
we iz sad but lots of yards left to run and goals to make!


  1. Dearest June,
    You on any T–shirt is fine and worthy but I think you're a smart cat and might not totally agree with the red—white—and blue wording.
    Walz' own brother does not even share his views... Makes one think!
    Mariette + Kitties

  2. Love your mom's new t-shirt and you are the perfect addition, Juney!

  3. June, now every time your mommy goes out of the house she'll take you with her. But at the same time you'll stay home and have a good nap, m o l.

  4. We love your mine-mommy's tee-shirt! I bet V.P. Kamala would be honored to have your beautiful face under her name!

  5. Am betting people will stop your meowmy in the street because they want that t-shirt too; because of you, June!

  6. love the shirt, love you and your mama...

  7. Oooooooooooooooooo!
    That is a pawsome T-shirt June!!
    Looks like a winner!!!!!
    Purrs Winnie

  8. You look great on anything and everything sweet June!

  9. June, you look gorgeous on that purrfect shirt! Yay for cat ladies!

  10. Woohoo...we vote that's the best t-shirt around!

  11. I have two t-shirts with my collies on them. Not Political, just from some digital art I commissioned. (There will be a caturday art post about it, scheduled for 9/21. :)

  12. I pawsitively LOVE that T-shirt! As for last night's game, I thought of you. I would have been soooooooooo pissed!!!!!!! Mahomes said in the future that receiver needs to wear white shoes because it wouldn't have stood out that he was over the line. To be honest, I thought they should have given the game to the Ravens......for God sake it was like a toenail over!!!!!! You know how your foot doesn't go to the end of the shoe? His actual toe probably was within the line!! That was like something that would have happened to one of MY teams! (((hugs)))

  13. That's a great shirt, June. What about childless dog ladies like our mom? Maybe we should make one like that with our pictures on it.

  14. That's a great shirt, June. We were happy our team won. But it was a very good game. The two teams are very equally matched. We are sure they will meet again and we can have more friendly fun. We don't necessarily agree with Caren above. If it was clear that the toe was over the line, and it surely was, then the right call was made. No team wants to win the game because the decision makers gave it to them. But that's just our opinion.

    Woo - Misty and Timber

  15. Good for you and Mommy. Our huMom is childless, so she has one of those shirts. She hasto think carefully about where she wears it though ,along with the one she has with a picture of General Sherman saying "DON'T make me come back down there again." (She feels her "Notorious RBG" shirt is pretty safe.)

  16. I would request the shirt with just your beautiful picture on it :)

  17. What a cool shirt, June! It's good to know you stand with DemoCATSy.

  18. We love that shirt, and we love you, too, Juney!

  19. Chia:Be sure you've signed up to vote, June!
    Xena: Cats can't vote.
    Chia: Oh, too bad you're not a dog.
    Xena: (please ignore her)
    We would love to have a T-shirt just like that with those exact same words, only, maybe with our pictures on it. Uh, where did your Mom get that? Oh wait. Our Mommy said she might get shot wearing that around here....oh well. Have a happy weekend!

  20. Charlee: "Yeah, never bet against us cats! I'm just saying!"

  21. Nice design, and better luck to your team next time.
