September 23, 2024


Meow!  Hello!
I ate extra cookies 'n' treats.  And hid in the closet a lot.  A whole lot.
Had more window whiffing time.  A wholabunch of naps.
I did miss being here.
I did miss visiting all of you.
I'm sure I missed a lot of fun stuff, too ...

... oh, it feels good to stretch ...
awww ... y"aww"n ...
I wonder if I remember how to do my bloggie after all this time,
I think I need to consult a manual.
Mostly I need to whap mine Mommy for keeping me away from my friends for so long.


  1. oh we think blogging is like riding a bike you are in again as soon as you start...

  2. We missed you too, Juney, and we're glad you're back!

  3. I thought this was a new yoga position but stretching sounds good. try to get a video when you whap da mama

  4. We are glad you are back. Your message left us wondering but now we see you and that makes us happy.

  5. June, having a week or two off to scave you plenty of time to get rest. Now you can start posting and posting and posting. And we'll be looking.

  6. Dearest June,
    You have two identical 'whappers' but don't use them on your Mommy!
    What a lazy girl...
    Mariette + Kitties

  7. It's good to see you looking relaxed, June.
