December 10, 2024


June, you don't look too happy, and it's Happy Tuesday!

Oh, but I am happy, mine Mommy. Our little tree is decorated and shining bright,
I did manage to finish all my your our cards for mailing
 (but oh my it was hard and I hope Santy Paws gives me extra credit for doing that!) ... 
now I'm just being easy and waiting to fill up my MerryBasket 
with any cards the post person brings to me you us.
S'riously, all the cards are for me ...

It's getting so exciting, more every day!

Mmm, one ornament must've fallen to the floor, want to put it back on the tree?

(I'm working hard to be nice, not naughty)



  1. We hope that ornament was a polka dot one June. We want to thank you for our incredible Christmas card that we found in our inbox yesterday. Thank you so very much it means so much to Lynn and me. Precious

  2. You look like you are in deep thought, most likely about Christmas and how to stay on the nice list as we all worry about that this time of year. You are a good girls, so it should not be an issue.

  3. we gave it up to be good... there are a handful days versus all others... if santa has the same math skills like the mama we have a chance hehehe

  4. You've been a busy kitty, Juney, and now it's time to put the pretty blue ornie back on the tree. Happy Tuesday!

  5. We just know Santa is aware of your efforts and will be bringing you something nice this Christmas!

  6. You are such a good girl, June. We doubt you would ever be on the naughty list.

  7. June, you look nice and blissful and ready for the festivities! Thank you for the greeting yesterday!

  8. You're the best kitty of all, June. The ornaments are something that kitties find very hard to ignore.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  9. juney chowder itz noe fun bee in feel free to bee az bad az ewe want ALL DE TIME~~~~ ♥♥

  10. June, you are such a beautiful girl... I just want to hug you. Probably I would get the paw of nope. That ornament had to have decided to jump off. I don't think there will be an issue with you staying on Santa's nice list. Happy Tuesday, June... and Happy to your Mommy, too. I continue to enjoy the beautiful photography.

  11. Remember, June...all cats are on the Nice List with Santa Claws!

  12. I am sure you will get lots of cards, June.

  13. June I love your new header and OMCs well done on finishing the cards are you right or left paw'd
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Wow, Juney! You did all the cards by yourself? What a good kitty you are! XO

  15. It's not easy being a nice girl, but we know you can do it, June. Pretty ornament there - time to get it back on the tree. Mom loves that popcorn throw.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. You are a very good helper. XO

  17. It sounds like you have everything well in hand. It is why we should always leave things up to the cat.

  18. You've been working too hard sweet June, you need a break!

  19. You know, if you practice hard at being nice and not naughty all year long, it gets easier and then you don't have to struggle so hard at Christmas time.

  20. I think you are rarely if ever naughty, June, and Santa will leave you everything you want and maybe even things you didn't know you wanted! (We hope he does that for us, too, even though sometimes Chia is naughty.) XOX Xena

  21. Oona: "Oona would totally not put that ornament back on the tree ..."

  22. We're certain a squirrel got in the house and knocked that ornament off. That or it was caused by a sudden burst of wind.

  23. Maybe a wee mousie climbed into the tree and pulled off that bauble to distract you from him, Yup, indeed!
