February 10, 2025

JUNE 14 ~ MOM 2

Obviously, not the super game score (we fell asleep a minute or two into the 3rd quarter ...)
Before moving on, congrats to all Eagles fans, and sad-head-bonks to our Chiefs fan friends ... 
But this post ... that score up top ... is all about sleeping, or more specifically, sleeping spots!

Awww, Juney, so, you've found yet 1 more place to
catch a nap, score a few zzzzz's ...

Indeed I have, mine Mommy!

You know, June, sitting here, I looked around and it's really quite
amazing as I've counted at least a total of 14 ... yes, a whole 14 places
where you sleep or nap, compared to just 2 for me!
I guess you win the super bowl of napping.

Indeed I do, Mommy!

On my big tree, there are 3 places to curl up, on this little tree there is 1.
I can sleep in my donut, so add 1 more, in my tunnel, plus 1.
My blankie basket, plus 1, either chair, plus another 2 ...  
of course, there is always the bed, add 1 more.
And you know since I've learned how to open all the closets all by myself, 
I often go in any of those to curl up in the dark and quiet,
undisturbed for a little nap ... so plus 3.
And last, not in the least ... the floor!  Any square inch of floor,
here, there, everywhere can be a sleeping spot ... that's a big 1.

You?  The bed, that's 1.
And then (I suppose I shouldn't tell on you), but when you sit
in your our my polka dot chair, which is one of those recliner thingies,
I see you, meow I do, you always fall asleep!  1 more for you!



  1. We furry ones have many more spots to sleep than our humans do but humans don't seem to be upset about that. We wanted both teams to lose the Super Bowl as we don't like either one. Didn't watch the game, had a fun night doing other things since none of the three teams we wanted in the game made it that far.

  2. June, so many lovely spots to snooze in! It's good to be a versatile napper!

  3. We understand the need for variety in napping locales, June!
    Da Boyz changed theirs with the seasons.

  4. June, a kitty girl can never ever have too many places to nap.

  5. sleeping in a donut must be great.. you can eat while you sleep... we made it to the furst touchdown of the eagles , then we zzz-ed away...

  6. My mom has two sleeping spots like your mom, Juney, the bed and the recliner and yes, you win for sure!

  7. You sure enjoy lots of place to nap, June. We don't have as many as you, but our favorite is the big bed upstairs where there is plenty of room for all of us.

  8. June ~ you are so lucky to have so many napping places ~ Sweet photo of you too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. June you are such a funny friend. I am still trying to figure out why/how I can sleep so quickly on the couch but as soon as my head hits my pillow my eyes fly wide open.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Having lots of places to nap is so very important. You're so cute, June.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to June. ♥

  11. beau only has 9 places to sleep... hid daddy sleeps sitting up on the sofa

  12. Sounds like you have a lot of snoozy spots. XO

  13. We think you always win Junie...and we totally understand. We are always looking for new napping spots!
    Rosy & Sunny

  14. You have lots of good napping spots, June.

  15. We are still trying to figure out what happened last night - was that really our team? We honestly expected a competitive game with a closer score and some quality play, but that is NOT what we got. Everyone in KC is very sad, but the Eagles deserved that win.

    We are enjoying the many sleeping spots we have here, but June, you win over us too - no way we have 14:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. June, we think you are creative in your choices of sleeping places, and must not be afraid of being stepped on when you're napping on the floor, BOL!

  17. You have lots of wonderful sleeping spots sweet June, make sure you treat them all is love and attention!

  18. I like a cat who can call home wherever she lays her head.

  19. Hmmm, we shall have to try and count all of our spots for sleeping/napping!
    You really did outscore your Mine Mommy, June!

  20. We can fall asleep just about any place! We're not that particular apparently.

  21. Juney, you are indeed the Super Bowl of Napping Champion!

  22. No wonder you are always so well rested. We humans sometimes are not.

  23. Charlee: "Seems like an appropriate ratio to us!"
