March 22, 2025



Above: original photo, one I liked very much and just thought it was clean and interesting unto itself, but still might be an image to "play" with.

Below: the altered version.  Using Adobe Creative Cloud, a light yellow/orange overlay of the satin tool to mimic sunlight.  The "satin" tool is basically somewhat automatic, available in various shapes - you simply select the shape you like - that lay atop your image, then choose the percentage of color you want applied.  After this first step, I then used the "dodge" tool to highlight June's face and belly furs to return them to her more original white coloring.  


from our friends Athena and Marie

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  1. Love your artwork! It's brighter and warmer and you are more noticeable, Juney.

  2. It is a lovely original photo, but I really like those effects which bring out the detail.

  3. The altered version is definitely lighter, but dad, being all about dark in everything, likes the original best. Have yourself a wonderful weekend, dear June.

  4. wow wow wow awesome edits... its perfect

  5. Oona: "What is out there, June? Is it birds? Oona bets it is birds."

  6. Wow June! Love both versions of the picture but the altered one does seem to have increased light enhancement on your face and form!

  7. A beautiful picture of your beauty!

  8. I love your edits to that photo of Juney. Especially how much light you were able to bring to her eyes!

  9. Both versions are lovely. The first looks cool and mysterious and the second is great for enhancing the warmth of the sunshine.

  10. June I agree the first photo is PURRFECT. You resemble a Grand Dame.
    Ann I like the artsy version too
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sweet June!

  12. Your artwork is amazing. The original of June was pretty special all by itself, but the new creation is beautiful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. June, you are beautiful in every picture, and the second one with your Mom's handiwork really shows it off!
