March 06, 2025


A kitty can never have too many scratch pads.
Of course they're good for scratching ~ but as you can see,
they serve many other purposes well, too.

This scratch pad is my Number One favorite, it belonged to the
kitties who came before me and I'm so very thankful
they left it here for me.
Of course, mine Mommy is not always thankful when I choose to play with
it around 2 or 3 a.m. and the little ball lights up, flashing brightly and
makes clattering noises as it rolls round and round!

By the way,
I offered her the use of any or all of my scratch pads the other day.
I think many humans right now would benefit greatly from having their
own "purrsonal scratch pad" to attack multiple times a day.
They can be wonderful devices for venting one's frustrations ...
Just over 60 years ago, mine Mommy moved to Washington, DC after she
finished college.  Although she didn't work for the government, her office window
overlooked the White House and the South lawn, a view she never tired of back then.
Now, any thoughts of "that place and its occupant" are likely to cause her to have
a "hissy fit" ... oh yes, borrow my scratch pad, Mommy ...



  1. we agree that is like havin shoes.. or bags... or sardines...

  2. I get why your mom does not prefer your favorite scratcher, Juney. The peeps like their beauty sleep to be uninterrupted. Yup, we hope she does decide to borrow one of your scratch pads! It can only help the cause, right?!

  3. you look so sweet in all of them and like they were custom designed just for you

  4. Our kitties had some scratch pads around the house and they enjoyed them. It was a mix of their scratching posts and the pads. They never scratched any place they shouldn't and that was important.
