November 20, 2015


I've been told there is a tendency to put on extra weight during the holiday season.
Turkey ~ gravy, mmm ~ now, that so-called "traditional green bean casserole thingy" ain't
to my liking at all!  Candies, cakes 'n' pies, CHOCOLATE, egg nog, WINE ...
mashed potaters ... biscuits ... mmm, what else?  Fruitcake?  NO!
Anywayzzz.  Lift pounds, don't put on pounds.
Need to keep my girlygirl figger!
The menu expands.
I do not want to expand.
I am starting an exercise routine today!  Am I not a good girl?


  1. You don't need to diet Zoey you're just right as you are.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Oh Zoey, what a good girl you are to do those exercises. That looks like a lot of work to us. We might just have to eat less. But all that food does sound soooooo good. We sure will be having some nice wine. You all have a great day.

  3. You're a very good girl! And a smart one too! And really really really strong! I'm exhausted just looking at you... I need a nap now..

  4. I bet we could all take a lesson or two from you, Zoey! What a good girl you are, taking care of your girlygirl figure. And the more you exercise, the more you can eat, right? Purrs!

  5. Wow, you are one powerful cat, Zoey. I am quite certain, I couldn't lift that weight. I bet if we were eating fish on Thanksgiving, you would be right in there ... but turkey will do :) You will be in great shape for the holidays ... enjoy :)

    Andrea @ From The Sol;

  6. You must be very strong, Zoey!!! Mom says she needs to find some of those weights for Ciara:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  7. You're a very active kitty, Zoey ! That's an amazing workout ! Purrs

  8. You are very determined to keep fit, Zoey.
