January 09, 2022


We're hibernating?  What's hibernating?

Well, it's sort of a time to rest, June. To recharge, so
we're taking some time off ~ a bit of a break from blogging. 

I do not need to recharge, I'm always fully charged! 
Besides, what will I do each day?  
I is s'posed to be on zoo-atwee and go visiting my friends, too!

There will be plenty of time for that when we come back,
I promise.  Until then, say bye, for now ...

O.K. , but I don't think I like this much at all, Meow!


  1. you and your mama will be missed, I hope this break is something fun and not something required

  2. Enjoy your break and stay warm!

  3. See you later, June and Ann. Enjoy your hibernation and come back fully charged.

  4. Oh, June! Hibernating is wonderful! We wish We could hibernate and know that when We wake up, the Evil Coronavirus will be all gone!
    Enjoy your break, you and your Mommy.

  5. June,
    One thing for 100% certain you have a very comfy cubby and huMom has a very nice navy and polkadot chair for the hibernation
    Hugs and stay well

  6. So precious! I finally come back and now you're taking a break, I hope you'll be back soon! Enjoy!

  7. I will miss you but hope you are having fun and lots of photos to share on a future date!

  8. Hibernating is a good tning, Juney. We bet it will mean you get to spend a little more time with your Mom. So it IS a good thing. :)

    See you both when you get back. XO

  9. Enjoy your break, June. You know we will miss your sweet face until you return.

  10. Enjoy your downtime and we'll be ready when you return! BTW, Ozzie says that you can be his Harriet anytime cutie pie!

  11. that looks like a cozy spot for hibernation. we are too, because bbbrrrrr it's been so cold!

  12. Deerest June an Miss Ann takin a brake iss a guud thing. Wee will wait fore you (an pawss crossed) will bee here when youss' reetern!
    Miss Ann you have earned a brake with all yore badge werk. June think of all tHE happy nappiess you are gonn have ;)
    ***nose bopss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  13. Have a nice rest and recharge your batteries. Then, when you're ready, we'll be here.

  14. That is a great space to hibernate. I wish I could join you. XO

  15. Oh you look so cozy and sweet ~ great photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you a peaceful day,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. We have taken a few weeks off over Christmas from doing big bog posts as its been super stressful here. We hope you enjoy your break and return refreshed and happy.

  17. We'll be here whn you get back Juney !

  18. It is the perfect time to hibernate! We hope you have a good rest and look forward to catching up with you soon. Lee and Phod

  19. Rest is good sweet June and humans need lots of it! See you soon.

  20. Enjoy your break. We’ll miss you and your Mama!

  21. Aww, shucks, we are going to miss seeing you, but Mom knows best - they always do:)

    Enjoy your break and come back fully recharged.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  22. June, we will miss you. But then we have been so sporadic because Mom has been so busy, that we have been having trouble keeping up! Stop by when you are back so we don't miss anything and enjoy your hibernation!

  23. Thank you so very much for your friendship, your caring, and the lovely graphics you did after I ran off to the bridge. You are a dear friend. We go way back. You will forever hold a special place in my family's heart.

  24. We haven't been in visiting mode much of late, but yes we truly understand the need for a break to hibernate...esp in this way too cold weather. 5F tonight is predicted but since we live outside of our city it will likely be colder...factor in the wind...yup, lets dig in deeply under the covers and hibernate! See you all soon!

  25. Oh June, our Mom wishes she could hibernate too! So many things that need her attention ! Happy, healthy hibernation. ~xo Peekaboo


  26. Ann, just wanted to once again thank you for all the support that you've given me since we lost Max a week ago. Things just don't seem right around here just yet. His spirit is everywhere in this house. Reading all the comments we've received helps a lot.

  27. You are missed, but i do hope you are having a wonderful rest time.

  28. Enjoy your rest. All of you, you need a break!!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  29. Our cat bro Bert hides away in his cube too when it is super cold out. He loves it in there.
