January 25, 2023


Yes, I heard you, JUNE, it's 'missing in action', of course, 
I'll get down on hands-and-knees and look under the refrigerator.
I'm sorry dear, it wasn't there.

Of course, I understand, it's 'absent without leave', so yes, 
I'll move the microwave cart and see if it is beneath that.
So sorry, sweetie, it was not under the cart.

What?  Check the bathtub?  I know, I know, yes, you 
often tote your toys to the tub, OK.
Again, I'm sorry little kitty, no toys in the tub today.

Oh, your toy box, of course it might be in your toy box, let me look ...

Wait a minute!  You put things in there.  You take things out of there.
If you put the spring toy in the toy box, you can look for it and 
if it's in the toy box, you can get it out of the toy box!

  What am I? What have I become?  OhMyCat!
I need a cup of coffee.  

What have I been doing here ... and I just counted 
at least 32 other spring toys on the window ledge that you can play with 
and you've got me down on hands-and-knees
searching for one?

Well, it is my favorite one.
A blue one.
And you're my purrson who does everything for me.



  1. We are most certainly a slave to our pets. But I don't think we'd have it any other way.

  2. Haha June you got your Mom trained well! And we know the drill too, baskets full of mousies and Tommy only wants one that he makes us look under the couch for all the time. Except it's no where to be found lately. Where do you buy the springs? They look like fun!

  3. we are lucky here, Beau has 8 toys in his basket, only 4 that he ever touches. 2 green gators, one brown bone, are the 3 he plays with every day... yes, we are at their beck and call, 24/7. not all cats/dogs are that blessed... you are truly blessed to have your mama June

  4. I agree June! Mums do anything for us and I bet she got that blue spring for you too ;)
    Purrs, Julie

  5. Looks like Mom is adequately trained. That is just too funny that Junie knows which one is the blue one.

  6. June 32?! OMCs that is a lot but I can't fault you. I might have some extra bags of coffee stored here and there but not 32. MOL
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I totally understand, Juney. I send my mom on a necessary search and rescue when my tennis ball comes up missing.

  8. That's how it's done. You made me laugh out loud, June.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. Yes I'd love the cold pizza recipe I love trying new things
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Yep ~ my little fur person is definitely the boss ~ lol ~ xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. You have trained your mother well, June. BOL!

  12. I had one dog that used to put his toys back in the toybox at the end of the day. I wonder if I can teach Boston to do that. Silly me, what could I be thinking?

  13. June thinks you are a servant, Ann!

  14. Ahahaha June, that was funny! (And I understand that you need one particular toy, I do.)

  15. For some reason our Mama knows exactly how yours feels....But we know, Junie, it's all about us, right???

  16. WOW June, Maxwell is jealous, you've got lots of springs. Blue is his favorite one too.

  17. Mom sure loves you a lot to help you with finding that spring, Juney! Did she find it? ;-)

  18. You are a lucky girl. I am glad the missing spring was located. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of my Emmy. And for the beautiful badge. XO

  19. You do have a special person, June, be sure to treat her well in return. I do hope you found the toy.

  20. Mee-yow Miss Ann you sure are a sweet Hu'man to get down on yore kneess an look fore Blue Spring!!
    June girl how did you get so many Springss??? Mee has two of mee own an 5 of 'angel' Unkell Siddhartha'ss springss. BellaSita takess them outta his Memoree Box an offerss fore mee to play with them, butt they are too speshell to whap around ;)
    Mee hopess you find Blue Spring soon!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

  21. There is nothing worse than a missing favorite toy

  22. Our Peep NEVER EVER looks for our toys! Purrs Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, and Cinnamon
    (Don't believe a word of that!...Barb)

  23. Mark's Mews: In our place, they are just scatterred all around. When TBT finds one (or several) , he puts it in his pocket for tossing around later. Occasionally, he gets out the thin thing he made (like an "L" with a very short bottom) and scoops out the ones in the hidey-hole, unner the fridge and unner the oven ta collect the lost ones we cant reach.

  24. Mark's Mews: Springs spring eternal. Yours are very organized.

  25. June, can you get them down off the windowsill all by yourself? We think maybe our Chia could, who seems to have springs in her paws.

  26. June, you have a lot of springs, we have a lot of bones. And just like you, there is always that one special one that can't be found but is critical to our daily happiness. That's what Moms are for, right?

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  27. When its not mealtime, or playtime, we have to find something else for our slaves to do...hahaha!
