August 31, 2023


See where this blue arrow is pointing?  It's pointing to a corner of mine Mommy's blue jeans because she is sitting in my polka dot chair.  I am giving her my best "june stare".  This "june stare" means she has a choice, actually two choices.  (1) she can get out of my chair and let me sit in it, or (2) she can invite me up to sit with her if, and only if her hand includes my brush and she intends to give me a lovely brush up.  She knows full well that there is no 3rd choice (the taking of this photo was not a choice) and if she does not choose (1) or (2) I will swat her. 

It is Thankful Thursday and I will be thankful should she choose to do
either of these and then there will be no need for swatting.

Now I will visit friends at Brian's Home Blog and
see what everyone else is thankful for today!



  1. we hope you win the staing challenge... we are superstars so we have a real chance right?

  2. You are a true cat taking control of everything! Did she move or have your brush? Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. June, you are a tough cookie with your mom! (I hope you don't really swat her, though. She loves you...and she feeds you. LOL.)

  4. Let's hope she has a brush in her hand otherwise she must vacate!
    Purrs, Julie

  5. I am SURE she will pick up the brush and allow your demands.

  6. We hope that everything worked out just fine for both you and your mommy, Juney!

  7. Hey, Boss Cat ~ sweet photo of you ~ I know who wins ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Chaplin: "Good job, June. Humans do best with a small set of well-defined options!"

  9. Thankfully, both those choices sound like something your Mom would enjoy doing June.

  10. No third choice?? Wow, you are a tough one, June!! Hope no swatting happened.

  11. Both options sound reasonable to us, Junie! Hope she picked one and you didn't have to swat her!
    Sunny & Rosy

  12. June, as with the rest of us, your feline companions, you are a hard task mistress. (I'm not allowed on the recliner unless Katie is in and on it with me.

  13. June do tell did huMom chose wisely? What an adorable 'look' you have
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. June you are quite the skilled negotiator!

  15. You sure know what you want sweet June and I hope that brush appears soon! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. A swat for your mommy? Oh, June, how uncooperative, and so quickly.

  17. We hope she chooses #2 because we bet she needs some time to sit. And then you both win since she gets to sit and you get a lap to enjoy along with a nice brushing.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  18. Well, we now see who runs your house! Good job, June. XOX Chia

  19. Oh my goodness June you sassy little girl!!! MOL!! Did Mommy honor your wishes?

  20. You wouldn't really swat at your mommy would you June?
