February 08, 2024

JUNE COMMENTS about being "thankful" ~


June, why are you on the table, staring at me . . . ?
'Cause you're occupying my chair.

Really now, it is actually our chair, not your chair, 
and I'm just watching the evening news whether you like it or not.
I do not like it.  It is my chair.  And I'll stare at you as long as I like.  So there.
Well, stare away, it won't make me get out of our chair any sooner . . .


JUNE COMMENTS:  it is 4:45 pm, any day, and I have finished a delightful supper of Sheba Cuts ~ Chicken, a favorite, and am ready to curl up in my polka dot chair, do a little wash-up and have a pre-bedtime nap.  My "mine Mommy" is not cooperating.  I know she's a news-junkie/pawlitical animal and all that but seriously I also think she's secretly in love with Jake Tapper @ CNN, oh dear, what's a kitty to do?  Newsschmoooz.  Anyone wanna guess when commenting what time I get my chair back?  5:00 pm?  6:00 pm?  That's when I'll be thankful! Until then, I will stare.  I can out stare her anytime.


  1. all i have to say about this is you have the MOST beautiful Stare Ever Seen. How about this solution? you lay on her lap and you both share the chair

  2. chairing is caring or something like that

  3. Kitties have the best way of staring us hoomans down. I bet mommy finally gave up when your eyes burned a hole in her head.

  4. Maybe you need a second chair to watch the news, or how about sitting in your mom's lap so you could both use the chair and have some cuddle time?

  5. When the news is on, June, is when I pop my ear buds in to listen to an audiobook.

  6. Well June, if you became a lap kitty then you could share the chair with your mommy.

  7. Chaplin: "I think you should just do what I do and crawl in your Mommy's lap and immobilize her there. That'll teach her!"
    Charlee: "There are rules about these things, Chaplin. For instance, my rule is I can only sit in Dada's lap when he's at the computer. No other times."
    Oona: "Oona's rule is to mostly sit on the humans at bed time, although she will crawl into laps now and then when she feels like it."
    Chaplin: "There are no rules! We're cats! We can do whatever we want!"
    Charlee: "Well that's just a recipe for chaos."

  8. Sweet kitty ~ you do stare well and such a sweet photo of you ~ hugs ~ share ~ lol

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. That's a pretty intense stare, Juney. I would think that your mom would have gotten up by now with a stare like that!

  10. Wow!! We think your Mommy might need a bigger chair!
    Rosy & Sunny

  11. Ahahaha June, I've got to admit, that is a compelling stare you've got going there!

  12. Oh June, you are dead serious and I doubt if this is the best for your digestive system...
    Mariette + Kitties

  13. June I bet Mom was in it so long you took a long winter's nap
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Hopefully you get your chair back as soon as the news finishes, June.

  15. That is quite the dilemma you have there sweet June. Maybe you can figure out how to get to the chair first! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  16. Poor June. She could share the chair. XO

  17. Your mom is just mean. Surely she could sit on the floor so you could have your chair back.

  18. If the news starts at 5pm, I hope it's done by 5:30 or 6, depending on whether it's a half hour or hour show.

    Does the chair have room for two?

  19. If someone takes your chair they can't complain when you find another spot.
