August 18, 2024

MISTY and TIMBER ~ Our Friends

 Misty ~ "Timber, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

"No, Misty.  Isn't this beautiful.  We, Siberian Huskies ~ 
we can run and play across vast frozen snow fields ~ 
through forests of sparkling fir trees with ice-crystal covered branches, 
we can pull our sleds ~ and . . ."


Meanwhile, back in Kansas ~ 

"Woo,  woo, Timber, good thing we've got hats 'n' shades here on
our deck.  So much for those snow dreams."
"Woo, woo, Misty, I'll get the Momster to refill and refresh our cooler,
last time I looked, we were running low ... by the way ...
did you see the text message from our furriend, June the cat,
at Zoolatry?
She said it's only eighteen-days, woo, until our Chiefs and her Ravens
have another big game together again!"

"Don't shed any furs over it, Timber.  As always, 
we will, we will rock 'em.  Yeah!"

Cool down with the Woos


  1. you look sooooo good in that snow and I know you would love to see some of it about now..

  2. Love Miss Ann's beautiful artwork and stories! Mom can't wait to see me play in the snow!

  3. That is a lovely picture of Misty and Timber, and in their dream environment.

  4. Such lovely art - and the second picture made Us laugh, it was so cute.

  5. I'll make sure to send all the snow to Misty and Timber!

  6. OMWoos...standing ovation for such kool images of such super duper kool Woos. Miss Ann and June
    put their heads together to come up with such a fun dream of running in the snow. The fun in the sun is too cute love your shades and hats and the NFL rivalry

    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I certainly know which of those I'd prefer, but then I'd want something middling for here in the UK. Not fussy at all. The cool box is a great idea, something to keep my snacks and Mrs H's sherry cool.
    Have a lovely week.

  8. You guys look like you are enjoying yourselves. I would, too, if I were out of the frozen tundra.

  9. We love Misty, Timber and their mom. Those are great pictures you did of both of them.

  10. Excellent images and a great story!
    Mariette + Kitties

  11. Awww, guys, what adorable puppy dogs you are! Fun glimpses of some doggies!

  12. Those are such fun photos, I really, really enjoyed them and them made me smile big time!

  13. misty and timber !!! ewe dawgz R total lee pawsum ewe like winter time
    better N summer time huh !!! veree nice graffix juney chowder N mizzuz ann cree ated
    for ewe both :) ♥♥

  14. Oh Ann and June, you have no idea how much we would love to have some red ruby slippers and teleport ourselves to the Land of Snow - anything to escape the Kansas heat!!! But we are so grateful for our caps, and shades and cool drinks - we know you must have planted that idea in Mom's head.

    As for the Chiefs v. Ravens game, may the best team win. They are both so good. We are really hoping our Chiefs are just working to get their act together with these first two games. Last night's one point loss was a heartbreaker. We are not really huge football fans. We just love our Patrick Mahomes. He is not only a great quarterback but more importantly he is a good person and has done so much for our area. He may be very wealthy, but he is always willing to share.

    Happy Sunday, and thank you for being our friends AND for the beautiful artwork as always.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Those are two of our friends! It is nice to see friends and meet new friends! Lee and Phod

  16. Beautiful huskies ~ great photos ~ thanks, ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Chaplin: "Misty and Timber! Those Woos and Dennis went way back, and now they go way back with us, too!"

  18. Hi again! Just wanted to respond. You’ll laugh, because we’ve had the blog for years, but I’m not sure how to add the “subscribe by mail.”

  19. Misty and Timber are beautiful! They sure look good in that snow. :)

  20. MISTY! TIMBER!! You two are absolutely gorgeous. Powerful looking and commanding. WOW! And I am serious. A cat like me knows no other way than to mean it when she compliments. LOVE seeing you here as an Animal Cracker of Junies!!

  21. Misty and Timber, we can tell you were made for the snow and the cold. Miss Ann, once again, did a beautiful job spotlighting you. XOX Xena and my gang

  22. Such beautiful fur-iends! We too are big fans of the Woo-Dogs and just like them are patiently waiting for cooler weather to arrive. It can't come soon enough! Happy Monday June and Miss Ann.

  23. As dogs, they are real cool cats!

  24. SWell, we are late, but today was only in the low 70's, so we were not cooking at all! But the snow will fly here soon enough. You did look quite purrty in your snow dreams!

  25. You two make me laugh when I visit your blog with your curious looks and cheeky outlook on life.

    Marjorie and Miranda
