October 03, 2024


We're back.  Well, sorta, kinda, almost, maybe.

But Zoolatry isn't quite ready to be Boolatry, even though for every year past
that I can remember (or mine Mommy can) it happened on the first of October!
Life, and things, don't always go according to plan.
But, again ~ no complaints, no whiny-meows from here, cause even though
it's been a little upside-down and inside-out, and some loss or power,
cable and internet, and messy cell service,
ours was all temporary!

So many friends and furriends to the South of us are facing far much worse,
and for far much longer, so we have paws together for all of them.

Meanwhile, I'm keeping an eye-on-mine-Mommy 
(and my ears closed, don't wanna hear those bad werdz you know, meow) 
while she fixes up her 'puter once again 
and gets ready for us to have some Boolatry fun 
in a few days, or so, sorta, kinda, maybe ...




  1. I'm glad your power is back, I was just about to email! I Googled for gas leaks in your city, and this seems to happen far too often.

    Anyway, good luck to your mom getting her computer set up again!

  2. Yes: this is the 2nd or 3rd one pretty much in that same location ... very dangerous. Thanks for reaching out to me, did so appreciate hearing from you ...

  3. June, we certainly hope things calm down in your area and things aren't quite so scary. That kind of scariness is not what your blog was intended for in the month of october.

  4. Glad to see you back again and that things were temporary.

  5. We all dislike the computer when it doesn't play nice and our mom uses those HBO words too. She can get so crabby. Hopefully things can get back to your normal soon.

  6. Amazing new header! And let Boolatry start whenever you are ready for it.

  7. Good grief, June...what happened?
    Hoping that your meowmy gets it all together, so she's happy and you don't have to cover your ears anymore.

  8. We're glad to see you. We were worried!

  9. We're glad you and your mommy are okay after your power problems, June. It doesn't matter when you start we are ready to be scared by your October posts. BOL!

  10. June you and Mom have been missed.
    I say good riddance to September 2024 it has been that NEVEREVERNEEDSTOBE REPEATED.
    I hope and purr your things are settled now and October will be less stressful
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. We're glad to see that you and your mommy are okay, Juney!

  12. I know you will keep both eyes on your Mama and we're ready for your Boolatry event! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. It’s got to be so frustrating, hope everything goes back to normal soon! And for those others, without power or water….or even roads, we are keeping them in our thoughts.

  14. So glad you were safe against those storms. We look forward to whatever new Boolatry fun you get up to this month!

  15. We are awestruck by your header - you always manage to create something new and different. So sorry for all the impediments in your area. We know that we will still see some great Boolatry fun to come.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. It will be great whenever she does it. XO

  17. June, don't look so sad. All your friends will be back to visit soon, and you'll be able to visit all your friends again soon, too.

  18. June an Miss Ann wee came to see if youss' are OKay!! Seein THE Newss from THE Statess has been so inntense. Wee have frendss inn North Carolina who may not have Power fore monthss......wee wurried. An their 5th Wheel campurr iss stuck inn mud so they can not go anywhere. Wee reeleeved youss' are connected an are safe!!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  19. When the time is right, it will happen. Hugs to you both, and to all who were in the path of the storm.

  20. Sorry that stormy disaster played havoc with you and your Mum, too. Hopefully things will settle down and you can be 'normal' again...whatever that is. Glad you're safe and up and running again...well, we hope so!

  21. Meow! Wes are doing a happy dance that you are OK! We was worried...but then, at the Cat Blogosphere we saw that you were OK on the ticker tape! Boolatry can start later--we are just happy you are back! Keep being awesome guys. Your #1 Fan Boy - Marvelous Marv
