July 24, 2024


Every furry knows I love being in my blankie basket!
So where are all my blankies?
Mine Mommy decided they all need a-wash-up and of course,
I just had to check out the basket sans blankies.
Not bad.  Not good either.
No matter which way I got into it I really didn't like it so much.
Purrty soon though my blankies will be back, all soft and fresh and clean
and I can get my furs all over them again
and all will be right with my world!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, just to let you know, me and mine Mommy will be
taking off the next week... I'm going to help her get all our furriends
ready for the August Special Event.  I'm really excited that many kitties
and woofies will be coming to visit during August, and we both
want to be sure we do our very best for each and every one of them.

So ... meow for now, we'll be back in August ...
maybe my blankies will be back by then too!



  1. our mama said summer is a good time to wash all that things... we wonder... and look in our empty baskets either....

  2. Soft and clean blankies is a wonderful thing!

  3. Our mom washes our beds, towels, and blankets too. We have to wait around for them to be done, but fresh is always nice.

  4. June, we know you are anxious to get your soft blankies back in the basket. The sooner the better then you can get a good nap before you and your mommy get busy next week. Wow what a project.

  5. Oh June, you are such a pampered little princess and yes, your blankies will be back—all fresh, soft and nice.
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. first thought when i saw you was "a tisket, a tasket, a cat in a basket" . crazy is what I am. have fun helping mom get ready for August

  7. You are just the cutest basket kitty ever sweet June!

  8. June I love that you are 'adaptable' to a point but OMCs yes there can never be enough soft blankies for resting your adorable cat tushie on.
    Looking so forward to August
    Hugs and you and Mom pace yourselves next week

  9. We hope you get your blankets back soon, Junie!
    See you in August!
    Rosy and Sunny

  10. You do look a bit upset that all your blankies are gone, June. We're sure you will be happy when that pile is restored to the basket.

  11. It's good to have clean blankets. You're so cute, June.

    Enjoy your week off. I know there will be lots of work that needs doing.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  12. June, I'm betting your blankets will be back very soon! We'll miss you while you're away!

  13. if knot juney chowder, log on two amazon and purr chaze bout
    392,011, 864 blankitz ta keep round az sparez !!! lookin for werd
    to next month ♥♥

  14. We bet Mom is rushing to get those blankies all clean and soft for you. Have fun helping Mom and see you soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. You and your Mommy take care of each other !

  16. We'll miss you, Junie, but can't wait to see what you come up with for August! XOX Xena and my pack

  17. Enjoy your nice fresh blankies when they come back into your basket!
    We'll be awaiting the fun August times!

  18. Have a nice vacay!
    I'll be emailing soon; work got in the way the last few days, darnit.

  19. Chaplin: "See you soon, June! And your blankets, too!"

  20. We bet your blankies will be toasy warm Juney. We hope you and Mom have a great week off preparing for August! :)

  21. BellaSita sorta roe-tatess mee blankitss an mee Sheepskin so there iss allwayss one blankit fore mee to lounge on!! You look so ADOORBSS inn THE baskit lookin fore yore blankitss June!
    Wishin you an Miss Ann a wunderfull day!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  22. I'm sure the blankies are back already and I can hardly wait to see the August posts!
