July 09, 2024


I'm happy today.
It's what I chose when I first woke up.

Neither me, nor mine Mommy can remember the quote, or who said it, 
but it was something about it being "your choice ~ making your own choice to be happy,
or sad, or angry or upset, or down in the dumps ...".

Now, I've never been to the "dumps" (for which I'm thankful, it doesn't sound like a very
nice place to go), but there are days when I can feel sad, like when mine Mommy has lots and lots
of stuff to do and she's gone for a long time and I kinda-sorta wonder if she's ever coming
back.  And there are times when I get a little angry too, like if my meal time isn't on time,
I know that really really upsets me ~ I mean some purrson has to open those cans!
And OMC, can my fur fly if'n a fave mouse, spring toy, or even one of my
polka dots disappear under that big ice box thing!

But I have figured out, though it has taken awhile to do so,
that my insides feel better, and my outsides work better,
if I wake up and tell myself "I'm happy today".
I won't let these silly little things bother me.
Oh no.  

Oh yes, I choose to be happy today.



  1. Some days are hard, but I will choose to be happy today with you, June.

  2. Thank you for this, Juney. We choose to be happy today too!

  3. So glad you and your mommy have chosen to be happy today. some days its hard to choose happy. Reading blogs helps me be happy. Beau is happy as long as he is fed on time and someone walks him

  4. We must chose to be happy as the sad dumps only make the day longer while we wait and wait fur what we want.

  5. We should all choose to be happy when we wake up. The world has so many great things for us, all we have to do is enjoy them and not let little issues get us down.

  6. Some days are easier than others to keep one's focus on that choice. It does help to acknowledge and accept all one's feelings and to consciously choose that happiness (and gratitude!).

  7. You are an inspiration to us all, June.

  8. That's a great attitude to have every day, June. You are so cute laying on the floor with your paws folded like that.

  9. Those are wise words, June. I'll try to keep them in mind as I adjust to my new home. Thanks for visiting me! ~Murphy

  10. happee haddock twooz day juney chowder ‼️😺🐟💚

  11. Dearest June,
    Keeping a positive attitude is always the BEST choice.
    Mariette + Kitties

  12. Seeing you always makes us happy sweet June!

  13. I choose to be happy every day too, June. You're such a smart kitty.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  14. We're happy to see you look so happy, June!

  15. June ~ you are the sweetest kitty and seeing you I am happy ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. JUNE you are such a smart and beautiful friend
    Hugs Cecilia

  17. What a great philosophy Junie, and a great one to live by!
    Rosy & Sunny

  18. Choosing to be happy is so much better than the alternative. It goes with my saying: every day is a good day, some are just better than others. Happy Tuesday, sweet June and mum.

  19. Happy Tuesday to you June and your Mom! We are happy here!!!

  20. That is a great lesson for all of us, furries and peeps alike, to learn and practice.

    Happy Tuesday and everyday, June.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. What a smart kitty you are, Juney! We are happy to see you being happy! XO

  22. Happy is as happy does.. or is it, happy is a happy thinks... Oh well, just be happy, right? XOX Xena

  23. You are so very wise, June!! Now if all of us humans would do that! Just imagine!

  24. We loved the way your post was shaped like a heart. And we like that if your insides work good, so does yer outsides. When we are happy inside, we look better on the outside.

  25. Chaplin: "Any day you wake up and you're still a cat and not a dog, it's a good day."
    Lulu: "Hey!"
    Chaplin: "Not my fault you can't manage it."

  26. I love happy! I'm so glad you're feeling better, too. That sure adds to happy! Beautiful pic, too!
