August 19, 2024

MARLEY ~ Our Friend

MEOWS ~ from MARLEY, your Monday Mancat!

As the senior fellow here at Mark's Mews (well, in truth that's purrably TBT) but we
don't want to discuss his age ~ so pawing onward.

As I was sayin'.  It is my responsibility to keep all these young uns in their
proper place.  There's Lori, Binq and Taz and in between my naptime,
my meals, a few snacks ... I find it most impawtent that I share my mouse
catching skills with them.  I am truly Number One in that category.

By the way, I just celebrated my 14th last Friday and if you want some proof
of those mouser-skills just look at that birthday post when you stop by!!!

But, back to Monday Mancat, as I was sayin'.
I find myself spending some time each day in our Mews Room, purrtending to be a
"pawlympian" and doing regular workouts ... keeps me in shape!

After my workout ~ or your own (you do workout, don't you?) ~
I might be resting, but you can come visit me right ~


  1. wow what a super athlete... we hope for many gold medalls...

  2. You are a very fit fourteen and after all that working out one needs a nap.

  3. You are a SuperStar, Marley!

  4. Now this is a handsome mancat and big and strong too..

  5. We love that handsome Marley and you sure did it up right for that handsome dude!

  6. He's most handsome. What a wonderful thing you're doing to showcase peoples precious babies.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to June. ♥

  7. look at theez pawsum awesum graffix mizzuz ann made for ewe marley ! ewe ree mind me
    oh me big brother tuna of moon ‼️🐈🐈 keep up de grate werk with mousin N heerz two a grate week 😺🐟

  8. Keep those youngsters in line, Marley!

  9. Marley keep working out look very MANLY and your ginger furs are very purrty
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Chaplin: "Exercise is important for maintaining muscle mass! Or so we've heard!"

  11. Marley, what an active cat guy you are! Very fit, suave, and leisurely too!

  12. Marley you and I need to stick together as two manly mancat ginger guys. Glad you have a special day on Zoolatry's Month of Friends feature. I'm thinking maybe I should lift weights like you do to perhaps turn some of my "BIG" into muscles.

    Hugs, Teddy

  13. We've seen your pawsome mousing skills.

  14. I love Marley! Such a handsome mancat. XO

  15. Hello! First, Marley is a very handsome kitty! Second, I tried to add the subscribe button, can you try it and let us know if it works? Happy Monday!

  16. Such a handsome Ginger Mancat Marley is!
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. Always so happy to see you, Marley. Lookin' good at that Pawlympics stuff!

  18. Marly is indeed pawing onward and remaining strong for age 14.
    Mariette + Kitties

  19. Mancat what AM! Whatta mancat! I think I am about to be in lurve!

  20. You are doing a good job of keeping fit and showing your hunting skills to the youngsters.

  21. Marley, you are looking quite fit for a 14 year old. We young 'uns could learn a lot from you:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  22. Marley's a great cat-lete. I hope I'm that able when I'm the equivalent of 14 cat years!

  23. Hi Marley! We love your name and your pretty ginger color. We used to have a schnauzer friend by that name.

  24. Marley is so handsome, and so athletic!

  25. Yes, indeed that was way too may mousies for us, BOL!

    YOu are very athletic, Marley; which makes you very handsome!

  26. Marley iss one hansum man cat!!!! Mee-yow WOW!!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  27. Agile and fit! What a cathlete Marley is! It is so nice to meet you!

    Marjorie and Miranda
