June 26, 2024


 Mine Mommy is meowing-out-loud and wagging her tail 'cause she is so super-happy!  

Yesterday ... her (baby boy) son, that big tall purr-son on the right
 arrived in Baltimore with his beautiful wife (seated on the ledge), 
and her two wonderful grands ... 
that Navy boy and that lovely girl standing next to me, 
(oh my I swooned over her).  

Actually, I wasn't as a-scared of all of them as I thought I'd be.
And actually I did not get to go to the waterfront with them, I'm just purrtending
to be with them in this picture ...

They'll all go back home to Florida in just a couple days, minus one.  
The boy gets dropped off at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis 
to start a whole new adventure, a whole new life ...
we wish him well!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful visit. You have a lovely family, and a lovely kitty too!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-lords-new-church.html

  2. congrats to all of you on the Navy Academy acceptance. I know you are beyond happy to see your beautiful family. enjoy a couple of more days

  3. Have a wonderful visit for the short time they are there and BTW, you look so pretty sitting there, Juney - even if it is just for fun!

  4. Hooray! It's so fantastic to see them all together! I hope to see pictures with you at the center of your beautiful family, if you can manage it. I imagine you will look pretty small beside them. Have a great time for the rest of their visit. And congratulations to both of your grands on their stellar accomplishments.

  5. June, I can feel how happy this visit has made your mom. ❤️❤️

  6. June, this is furtastic! I know yer mommy is so furry happy to see these smilin' faces.

  7. Dearest June,
    What a lovely update and with you in the picture as virtually you stayed with them!
    So happy that you loved your family's visit!
    No doubt your Mommy and the Parents are proud of their son's start at the U.S. Naval Academy!
    Good luck to him and safe travels for the others.
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. How sweet to have your family come to visit! And Kudos to your grandson for joining the Navy.
    Enjoy the rest of your time together!

  9. How fun. It's always wonderful to visit our babies. I'm glad it made mom happy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to June. ♥

  10. Lulu: "Yay, visitors! More chances for belly rubs!"
    Chaplin: "New friends to bother for treats!"
    Oona: "New people to burble at!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, they look all right, but I would reserve judgment until I've seen them pet everyone else."
    Charlee: "I would be under the sofa until they leave ..."

  11. How lovely to have family come and visit.

  12. What a lovely family picture! And June, you look right at home there with them!

  13. We are so happy they are visiting your mom. She can use some family around even for a few days. Watch out, though. She may start doing a lot of cat napping with you after they leave as she will be pleasantly worn out from a fun and happiness overload!

  14. How wonderful that you and your mom got to spend time with your family. Good luck to the new sailor as he embarks on a very tough four years.

  15. Beautiful family. Maybe her grandson can visit now that he will be closer. XO

  16. I agree, you have a beautiful family and I might also say GO NAVY!

  17. What a great family you have June !

  18. So wonderful to see the beautiful family with all those BIG smiles. But we bet the lady behind the camera a.k.a. Mommy has the BIGGEST smile of all!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. Hooray for family visiting, and congratulations to the grandson who was accepted into the Naval Academy. I pray he has a wonderful four years and a career.

  20. I’m so happy for your mom! She must be over the moon spending time with her lovely family. Wishing her grandson all the best at the academy. Ann enjoy!!

  21. Aww, we love this photo, and we sure are happy that you were not so scared of your wonderful family members, Juney. Congratulations to that Navy boy on being accepted into the Naval Academy. WOW!

  22. That is the highest amount of happiness a human can achieve

  23. Cheering and smiling what a wonderful family photo June and Ann. So much beautiful DNAs in your human family.
    OMCs so Grandson will make a most handsome cadet too. Wish him well. Maybe he can pop in to see you every so often.
    Hugs Cecilia

  24. I really enjoyed your email about this visit. I feel so happy for you that you were able to get together even if for a short while. I got halfway through replying and kept getting interrupted. Will get back to it shortly. XXX OOO
