June 24, 2024


It's a new day, a new week and I'm ready to take on the world!
Well, after I check it out that is, see what's on my appointment calendar,
make a plan you know.

But then I heard mine Mommy say we wouldn't be here for a few days, she said
family was coming to visit, a bunch of peoples I don't think I've met before ... oh dear,
maybe my plan should include a quiet hidey place, I do get a little bits scared of new peoples,
even though I'm sure they'll all be very nice, she says they are ... 
anyway, it's still kind of hot out there, and I haven't been using my window-seat much
the last few days at all ... so, meow ... 
I'm going to work on that plan, and then it's off to that dark and cool
hidey place ... see you in a few.



  1. June, how lovely fur yer mommy to have new family to introduce to you! You'll get luved to death and petted to yer content. And mommy will too.

  2. ooh we wish you a super time... and we hope for bags and boxes full of treats just for you

  3. I hope when the family gets there that you find out that they're all really nice and that you have a good time but if not you'll be safe and you're happy place and I know Mom will be happy to see family we'll be waiting

  4. I understand completely, Juney. Mom says that company is fun and everyone loves you but still you're not too sure to get too friendly too fast.

  5. June, maybe all the visitors will bring you treats! I hope your mom has a wonderful visit with her family! ❤️

  6. Hide if ya need to June. We do when there are strangers. But Iza always greeted strangers well enough, so maybe there is something to that too.

  7. June what an adorable snap 'my mommy' made of you today. I know the visitors will adore you and you might even let them pet your head
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Happy hiding sweet June. I'm sure everyone would love to see you though!

  9. I know you'll find a good place to hide. Our Lil' Bit hides when anyone shows up, but Squeaker wants to know all about the stranger.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to June. ♥

  10. We hope you come out a little to meet the new people, June. They might give you lots of pets and scritches.

  11. June, we think you'll find a way to get those visitors to love on you, once you get to know them.

  12. June, it;'s always good to have a plan! However nice poeople may be, a quiet place to retreat to is to be treasured.

    The Chans

  13. Charlee: "Yikes! Time to get comfy under the sofa if you ask me!"

  14. Oh my June, have fun finding a comfy hiding place! But if you wish, do venture out to meet the company, I'm betting they would love you!

  15. Enjoy your company....or your hiding!
    Rosy & Sunny

  16. It's good to have a safe hidey place, June. Flynn hid if we had visitors, but Eric was everyone's friend.

  17. June, you look indeed very pensive!
    But no doubt your guests will be quite nice to you and you certainly will enjoy the extra attention!
    Our kitties had twice some family stay with us and they loved it.
    Pieter's Goddaughter came for the Memorial Service and then my niece came.
    Happy times.
    Mariette + Kitties

  18. June, we know you and Mommy will work out a great plan. AND we also know that those peeps coming to see you are animal lovers and you were be Queen of their hearts.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. We bet you'll find such a great hidey place that your Mom will get scared you're lost! Make sure she knows you're ok, OK? XOX Xena and my pack

  20. June, if our Mom had not put the tunnel away because of the Nutcase, you could have come here and hid out in the shed with me! It is purrfect, nice cool breezes off the river, mice and its shady! Oh well, enjoy your guests! Keep being awesome! Your #1 Fan Boy, Marvelous Marv
    (PS I do love our new header with Nutmeg, she is starting to grow on me just a little)

  21. You need to get back in and finialize your plans

  22. I bet the people will love you and it will be good for your mom to have some of her people come to visit. She has had a rough time lately.

  23. Enjoy some quite hides, and a few scritches from the friendlier sorts of visitors when once you feel comfortable with them.

  24. See you in a few, Juney! We bet Mom will have los of fun with the family. We hope you do, too. XO

  25. You sound like me with the hiding thing, June. Every little thing freaks me out and I like to find new places to hide. My mom and dad say they're not looking forward to the boom booms of the 4th, but I don't know what that means.

  26. Just think of it as your own private vacay, June.
